Chennakesava Temple of Belur

Location: Chennakeshava Temple, Belur, Karnataka, India

Date Built: 12th Century

This is yet another marvel of Hoysala Dynasty. Took more than 100 years to build, survived repeated wars, and still standing with glory. Yet very modest, and very humble architecture.

Quite a simple entrance right? Not so distinguishable amongst the thousands of other brilliant temples in Tamilnadu and Karnataka.

Even when I entered the gopuram, and saw the temple from a distance for first time, I could not fathom the brilliance awaiting for me in next few steps! Well, lets take a look at the main temple now:  

This temple has a Diamond shaped layout. And this is the largest of the Hoysala Temples. But, lets not get carried away by its size and shape. I had no idea, the details(both in exterior and interior) can be so mesmerizing. I will give you an example at this point:

This is an epic battle between Bheema and Bhagadatta. The elephant of Bhagadatta is Supratika, who tries to crush mighty Bhima in this sculpture. This action-packed story from 12th day of Kurukshetra battle is worth reading.

Here is another one which will totally catch your eyes:

– Vishnu’s Varaha avatar.

– Narasimha Avatar.

Not only exterior sculptures,  this temple has too serious artwork in its interior walls, which reserves its Numero Uno place in Best-Interior-Artwork category, amongst all its contemporaries. This is what I am talking about:

The temple has lights in the interior. And is only lit on the purchase of ticket of INR 30. Can be purchased inside the temple. I highly recommend this as flash photography might be prohibited inside the temple.

To conclude, this temple is only 25 Kms from Chikmagaluru. Even if you are on a day trip, do pay a visit.