Rasmancha and Shyamrai Temple – Terracotta Temples of Bengal | Part 3

Rasmancha. Rasmancha.

Location: Bishnupur, West Bengal, India

Built in: AD 1600

Inside Rasmancha
Inside Rasmancha

Imagine a festival where everyone in a village decorates their homes, feasts with their loved ones, and participates in cultural activities like music and dance! Sounds like Diwali. Right?

This is a story Bengal. Here we carry things to one step further. Bengal simply does not end their celebrations just like that! We make it grand in the last day!

I am not talking about Diwali. This is a story of the Rash festival, where Radha-Krishna used to be worshiped at every home in Bishnupur. On the last day of the Rash festival, everyone used to carry their Idols to the center of the village.

Rasmancha arch
Rasmancha arch

The Mallabhum king Bir Hambir commissioned the stage and hence the village got it’s signature Rasmancha. Thereafter, every year, people used this platform to showcase their Radha-Krishna idols during Rash festival.

The lotus on the walls are very unique and considered as signature icons of this place. There are remarkable terracotta sculptures on the walls narrates that Rash festival and it’s celebration were a lot about songs, music and dance:

The Dancer
The Dancer
The musician
The musician
The dance form
The dance form

Rasmancha has seen it’s last celebration in 1932. But, once you reach this place, you go back in time straight away! And, ofcourse you have a lot to see around. Do visit Jor Bangla and Madan Mohan temple when you are in Bishnupur, and you will be amazed, I promise!

Shyamrai Temple:

Shyamrai Temple was under renovation when I visited. Shyamrai is just 500 meters away from Rasmancha and one of the most beautiful temples I have ever seen. This temple is famous for it’s remarkable detailing in terracotta artworks:

Shyamrai artwork
Shyamrai artwork

The entries were restricted because of maintenance work:

Shyamrai Temple
Shyamrai Temple

Our Guide:

Mr. Banerjee is the local man who knows both the history and the city of Bishnupur inside out. He is very knowledgable, yet a very humble man. He showed us around Bishnupur and answered all our sane and insane questions!

Fees: ~Rs. 400 [Govt of W.B approved] for the entire guidance of 4 hours.

Also, he agreed to hang out with us over Tea after the tour. That became another Q&A session with him. I highly recommend him as a guide and it was a pleasure!

The best tourist guide
The best tourist guide